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Who Does Jennifer's Doctor Look Like?

Recently in the hospital, Jennifer got to thinking that her doctor looked like someone famous. Who?

From that first image, maybe Michael T. Weiss.

But I don't think he really looks like that in real life. What do you think?

Comments (3)


I think that second picture makes him look a bit like Mr. Bean.


Since we have been on the subject of the new nintendo lets talk about something that we already have for instance the success of the new XBOX 360. With already over 2 million units sold worldwide it has already established itself as first place in the runnings in the ongoing console war. NIntendo LAME cube and ps2 cant even come up with A good idea let alone sell video games to anyone over the age of 13. And with the recent news that Playstation 3 has yet again been delayed until Christmas or later of this year 2006. So back to what I was saying that the projeted new HALO might be released at the same time as ps3. But in fact may not even be HALO 3 at all but another project now being dubbed HALO FORERUNNER that could be A prequel leading up to the event of the first HALO? If not I do not doubt that Microsoft wouldnt release the genere of game without slapping the HALO logo on there. I mean c'mon HALO2 is still the most popular online multiplayer experience currently. With that said I will leave it to you the reader to decide for yourself, if you are like me A hardcore gamer than you probably feel the same way about all of this hype that is currently surrounding the up and coming syestems NINFRENTO GO OR GAYSTATION 3, WHATEVER.


Nintendo can't come up with a good idea?!

First analog stick: Nintendo 64
First rumble function: Nintendo 64
First wireless controller: Nintendo Gamecube
First motion sensing controller: Nintendo Revolution

Not to mention that the Revolution will be able to play nearly every Nintendo game ever made, period.

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