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Outstanding Excellence in Our Public Schools

One of my biggest criticisms of the public school system is that many schools aren't able to handle diversity of students. The solution, for example, to kids with ADD/ADHD is to drug them up, rather than teach in a way that is more relevant to them.

But this story has to take the cake.

Most high school students eagerly await the day they pass driver's education class. But 16-year-old Mayra Ramirez is indifferent about it.
Ramirez is blind, yet she and dozens of other visually impaired sophomores in Chicago schools are required to pass a written rules-of-the-road exam in order to graduate — a rule they say takes time away from subjects they might actually use.

Given that these students are BLIND, shouldn't the schools already have someone who makes sure they can provide a curriculum that better meets the student's needs? I'm just asking.

Comments (1)


How funny, I just sent this link to you and you had already found it.

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