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What Happened To the F-24?

Whatever happened to the F-24? For some reason the F-24 through F-34 disappeared, and the new F-16 replacement was designated the F-35. Furthermore, the F/A-18E and F/A-18F share little in common with the original F-18, although it looks very similar. It really should have taken on the F-24 designation, but it was politically advantageous to keep the F-18 moniker.

So how annoying is that? How annoying is it that there is no F-24 or F-25 or F-28 or F-34. I'm okay not having a F-13 or F-19... but that's a lot of numbers to miss.

I know, I know. Nobody cares.

Comments (3)


Hi, there. I care.

Cause I often play the "Acecombat", the PS2 game of NAMCO. So I know you already have already F117!, the amazing bomber.

All mission completed.
Over and out.


There's another oddity... the F-117 uses the old numbering system from thirty years earlier. It's also not much of a fighter.


Aha, You very kindly took the time to explain it to me. Thank you.

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