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Under 4'9"? You Need a Booster Seat!

According to a new site from the government, if your child is under 4'9" they need a booster seat in the car.

REALLY? Doesn't 4'9" seem kind of tall? I mean, a few inches shorter and my wife would need one. We are really safety conscious these days. Check out how your kid is supposed to ride in a car.

That is the best behaved kid in a car I've ever seen. He's either on some serious Ritalin or he's just completed his first Scientology training course.

In some states these booster seats are actually required up until age 9! Kids sure get a lot more protection from the nanny state these days. These regulations are intended to protect kids from adult-sized shoulder belts. When I was a kid we were lucky if the car even HAD seat belts.

UPDATE: Jennifer says she was lucky when the car had a rear seat. When I was a kid I rode to Return of the Jedi behind the rear seat of a Ford Pinto.

Now THAT'S dangerous!

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That would mean I would have needed a booster seat when I was in 8th grade maybe even 9th grade.

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