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Great Moments in MEA-MFT History

From KPAX (not the movie, but rather a CBS station from Missoula.)

The Sentinel High School teacher suspended for giving a student a hickey officially resigned. Missoula County Public Schools confirms Dan Kucera submitted his resignation several weeks ago.
Dan Kucera has not taught at Sentinel since January, after being charged with misdemeanor assault by Missoula police. Speaking for the first time about the situation, Kucera said today by phone he resigned for personal and professional reasons, but only after being abandoned by the district and teachers union. Kucera taught business at Sentinel high school.

"Excuse me teacher, can I call you a sick pervert for giving me a hickey?"

"Don't you mean MAY I call you a sick pervert for giving me a hickey?"


One of these days my mom and sister are probably going to disown me as they are teachers, but unlike these teachers they aren't sick perverts (well, not that I know of) yet they recieve receive the same treatment and pay. Ridiculous... and disgusting.

Comments (4)


I before E except after C.


except in science, biege, weird, vein...

but yes, receive is i before e.


Argh... the one word I can never spell right. I sat there debating that one... Jennifer was like "use the spellcheck!" but I was too stubborn.


But thank you for thinking your mom and sister are not perverts (that you know of!) :D

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