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Cops Retaliate After Journalist Exposes Them

A Florida journalist who exposed police reaction to complaints was retaliated against by the Broward Police Benevolent Association.

After exposing the images of improper police behavior in his investigative piece, CBS4’s Mike Kirsch’s own personal information was being flashed on the Broward Police Benevolent Association website.
What is normally referred to as a BOLO or Be On The Lookout by police - a bulletin announcing a criminal who is wanted - was being used by the Broward PBA to show Mike Kirsch as a wanted man. The website went on to show Kirsch’s personal driver’s license information.
When CBS4’s attorney’s wrote a letter to the PBA, they took down the BOLO, only to put it back up days later with his personal information such as home address deleted.

That journalist sure is ungrateful! We have the police in this country to protect us, when they're not busy making up things to pull us over for. It's not like the police in this country are made up of a bunch of uneducated idiots who never went to college! It's a vital service they provide to us, pulling me over for allegedly not stopping at a stop sign even though I had to wait for other people to go through the intersection. And that time I parked too close to a fire hydrant... that was a matter of national security! Praise the Lord for the police and whatever laws we passed that give them the right to act the way they do!

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