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What's Wrong with This Video?

From Channel 8 in Dallas. Don't watch it at work. This aired on Live TV.

Comments (5)


It took me a couple plays to figure it out. I was looking for the picture of the guy you posted with your comment.


Ack, I was afraid of that. So the pictures on the left... they tell you what category the article is under. Some of the categories don't have pictures yet. Maybe I should include some text like "Funny" or something.

The guy on the left is the weather guy from that video where he can't do anything right... and he's just stumbling around flubbing his lines and being embarrassed.


Oh, by the way March, you can't get to the video through your link. I had to play around to find it.


Oops. I fixed it.


"The guy on the left is the weather guy from that video where he can't do anything right... and he's just stumbling around flubbing his lines and being embarrassed."

Where IS that video? That one is hilarious.

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