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Great Moments in WEA History

From KIRO:

LYNNWOOD, Wash. -- A Lynnwood High School teacher has been placed on administrative leave after allegations of an inappropriate relationship with a student were reported.

According to a letter sent to parents from Lynnwood High School principal, David Golden, on Feb. 17 an administrator was notified of the alleged relationship and the Edmonds School District immediately contacted the Lynnwood police department and began an investigation.

The teacher was immediately placed on administrative leave and has not been on school grounds since.

On March 9 Lynnwood police arrested the teacher on four counts of sexual misconduct with a minor in the first degree.

By the way, apparently the sexual acts were performed in the Alderwood Mall parking lot.

Comments (1)


who in the hell would hire that homeless guy and I mean shit he'll even work for food, And and BEER I mean god he's probably three sheets to the wind in that picture! So yeah and what kind of world is it when eight harmless young raver kids can get shot and killed at A local Seattle neighborhood after party? Please party safely fellow party goers and dancers.

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