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Caffeine Cold Turkey

As of yesterday I've stopped drinking caffeine. I am addicted to Pepsi, and the caffeine can cause agitation in me. I was really agitated on Saturday, and I had a lot of caffeine. So I'm going to go without. It turns out this stuff is really bad for you.

Yesterday, Jennifer bought me Caffeine-Free Pepsi. It takes almost exactly like regular Pepsi... to be honest maybe slightly better. It turns out in blind taste tests most people can't tell a difference. So why is it there? Can you think of a reason?

Today I'm getting a bad headache, which they say is a form of caffeine withdrawal. Great. I just wanted to let you all know. Cool.

Well, I made it until now. But my head was hurting so bad and I was becoming so cranky that I gave up. I'm sorry. I'm a bad, bad person.

Comments (1)


It is very bad for you. Is the headache worth the being upset at the people that love you. It took me about 3 months to completely get rid of my caffeine headaches. The first week was the hardest. I wish you good luck in your attempt.

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