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Rest in Peace, Vinny.

Today Vinny passed away. He was approximately 6 years old. He was a great, fun bird to have. Always happy, always singing and dancing. He cheered me up on more than a few occasions by flying in my room to say hello, eat some chips, or listen to music and dance on my shoulder. He loved to clean Chrissy's head, although she hated him, and he loved to take baths in the sink. His favorite food was cheetos, though I usually gave him a carrot in place of that to attempt to get him to eat something good for him.

For such a little guy, he sure made a big impression on my heart. He will be missed and loved always.

Comments (1)


Goodbye Vinny. He was a real sweetheart. I was afraid of him. But it was all in fun. It's a sad day for birds who like to fly at me everywhere.

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