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What Happened to Rainy?

My Rainier used to be so cute!

This was only like six months ago!

But then something changed. Rainy got grumpy. He got big boyos. He started attacking everything possible. We can't use toilet paper. We can't hang things on the wall. We can't even hang things up by the ceiling.

He goes where he shouldn't go. He does whatever he wants. And when you try to scold him, he either looks abused, or he talks back to you. He sits there and talks back to you, like he's saying "I'll just wait till you look away." He's an awful, awful kitty.

What a horrible child!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 24, 2006 10:19 AM.

The previous post in this blog was The WB and UPN to Shut Down.

The next post in this blog is My Secret Confession of the Day: I Love Pearl Harbor.

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