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The Problem with Washington's Smoking Ban

So I've discovered the biggest problem with Washington State's new smoking ban. It's not that it's hurting business or anything like that. It's that thousands of intoxicated idiots are now spilling out onto the streets in order to smoke. Now we have to put up with them and their comments. Like last night's "Happy New Years, Honey!" And tonight's "Hey, you stupid f***!" Thanks. Thank you very much.

Comments (1)


I LOVE that part of the ban. I've even taken to having a cigarette now and then just SO that I can go out and stretch my arms out on the sidewalk, exhale a deep breath of tobacco, and say, "This is what you ASKED FOR Seattle!"

Once upon a time, Seattle had smokers crammed into little corners in the alleys and at the edge of the room. Now they're out and in your face.

Seattle got exactly what was coming to them. I hate this city.

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