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Marchdecember Celebrates... The Uterus!!!

This week we're going to celebrate one of man's most mysterious enigmas... the uterus.

It turns out the uterus is really, really small. Now, I didn't know this. I thought the uterus was huge... I mean, like maybe the size of a hubcap. But it's not. Now, my sex ed teacher was a self-denying homosexual who had never gone up Brokeback Mountain. He'd never gone up ANY mountain for that matter. The man was a proud virgin, which is cool, but not when you're trying to teach kids about sex.

Anyway, it turns out that the uterus is tiny, and thank goodness I got married so Jennifer could set me straight... straight unlike my sex ed teacher. I don't know who her sex ed teacher was, but I'm guessing he or she has actually had sex, because she knew how big the uterus was.

By the way, you can click here if you want to see a real picture of a uterus, but don't do it if you're squeamish. Cause it turns out in real life the uterus is really, really gross. So click if you dare.

So in conclusion, HURRAY for the Uterus, for without it none of us would be here!!!

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