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November 2007 Archives

November 1, 2007

Awesome Advertising Mashup: Chicken McNugents

Here's an idea to help McDonalds increase sales. Create a special Ted Nugent-themed Happy Meal, featuring Chicken McNugents. They would be just like regular nuggets, except shaped like guitars, musical notes, guns, and the NRA logo. Or alternatively, to save money, they could just be regular McNuggets with a different name. Probably nobody would notice the difference.

They could also adopt the tagline "McDonalds doesn't kill people, people kill people!" Or better yet, "McDonald's doesn't kill people... just eating it does."

This blog is the most genius blog in the world.

About November 2007

This page contains all entries posted to marchdecember in November 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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