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October 2007 Archives

October 9, 2007

Metafos Announces New Board Member

Big Mistake!

Juanita Drive Accident

We woke up to morning sirens and a helicopter. When we got out we saw the road was closed and there had been a major accident.

They mentioned it on KOMO traffic, but we don't know anything other than that. Maybe if we were more gossipy and all that.

I Done Got a Job

Someone actually hired me! I'll be keeping books in Mukilteo now. I'm sure I'll do a GREAT job. Keeping books means I'm a librarian, right?

October 21, 2007

New Christian Movie

What would happen if you took the storyline of Prince of Egypt, but replaced it with the inferior voice acting of Christian Slater, and computer animation stolen from Civilization III. This is the answer:


Stunningly awful. This may be the worst Christian film of all time, and that in itself is a pretty big feat.

October 23, 2007

Celebrity Watch

Penn Gillette, of Penn and Teller fame. Seen in the Taco Bell drive-thru in Mukilteo. Well, provided that Penn Gillette drives a 1997 Buick Skylark. Also, it technically MIGHT have been a woman. I'm just not sure.

I'm Confused

I'm confused. This guy isn't gay? I mean, it is a guy right?

October 24, 2007


I came into the bedroom today and noticed an eerie quiet. OH NOES! The box fan broke. The box fan runs 24/7. It's not that we need it on when we're not here, but rather that we just don't notice it running. We started using it because we live behind a supermarket, and it drowns out the noise at night, but now we can't sleep without it. I hope someone has box fans in stock even though it's nearly freezing out.

UPDATE: Apparently box fans are a SUMMER item. We plugged the A/C unit in and are running the fan on it, but it's pretty much not noisy at all.

About October 2007

This page contains all entries posted to marchdecember in October 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

August 2007 is the previous archive.

November 2007 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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