« Great Moments in Public Education V: Federal Way Teacher Accused of Fondling 11 Year Old | Main | Great Moments in Public Education V, Part II: Guess Who's Done This Kind of Thing Before »

Blake Lewis in Bothell

We went to downtown Bothell today to see our very own Blake Lewis! I watch American Idol each week to see what crazy new thing he's going to do. His take on Bon Jovi was nothing short of amazing, so I think he's going to do well for himself. Blake came to Bothell to his adoring fans. (One was crying.) We weren't going to get a good view of his concert, so I decided to stand in a line where he would be walking through to the concert. Good idea, no?

Jennifer says to me on the way there... we always stand in the wrong place for these types of things. Well, not this time! That's what I said at least.

So Blake finally shows up (he was in a parade, but we skipped that thinking we were all smart) and he's walking towards us and I have the Nikon out and then he takes a sudden left. WHAT!?!?! For all the pictures I took, only one came out, and even that one wasn't in focus. With all the 12 year old girls, it was hard to get a good shot, and certainly not a steady one.

So on the way back to the car, I took a look at the one shot I did get. Here it is!


Well, congratulations Blake on being the biggest thing to ever hit Bothell! Feel free to drop on by still when you're super famous!

Oh... and Jennifer was right. Like always.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 12, 2007 1:01 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Great Moments in Public Education V: Federal Way Teacher Accused of Fondling 11 Year Old.

The next post in this blog is Great Moments in Public Education V, Part II: Guess Who's Done This Kind of Thing Before.

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