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To Protect and Serve (Themselves): Cops Want to Ticket Ferry Cheaters

Apparently there's an epidemic of people cutting in line to get on ferries ahead of others who patiently wait in line for two hours.

Sgt. Craig Johnson, a state trooper, said that when officers catch people cutting in line, they ask them to go to the back.... Still, some people won't budge.... "In that case, we really don't have a tool to use," he said.

Senate Bill 5088 would give officers the option of issuing a ticket for a traffic violation. State Patrol Capt. Jeff DeVere said he doesn't expect troopers to start handing out a lot of fines.

"We're not going to be out there with our ticket book writing unlimited tickets," he said. The proposed law, he said, "will let everybody know this is unacceptable behavior. We hope this will be somewhat of a deterrent."

Riiiight. Our police officers would NEVER use silly regulations to impose fines on normally upstanding citizens.

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