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Red Light Cameras Coming to Lynnwood

In an attempt to fill the city coffers, as well as increase intersection accidents, the city of Lynnwood is installing "red light" cameras.

It's bad enough that our roads are governed by ignorant jerks with control issues, waiting to pull over anyone who makes a mistake, drives the wrong car, or has an excess of melanin. Now it's becoming acceptable to install cameras to watch us and FINE us if we misbehave.

To make matters worse, a study by the Virginia DOT actually showed that installation of red light cameras INCREASED accidents.

Sure, accidents in the intersection decreased, but there were more accidents involving cars who slammed on their brakes and were as a result rear-ended. These cameras are a boon for the city, AND for auto body shops!

But they're not the only ones making money. The camera vendors often take a cut... sometimes a BIG cut: more than 50% of the fines levied.

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