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Bad Pixels on Your Nintendo DS? (TAKE NOTICE DEAR SISTER!)

Old news, but important news for my sister who has joined myself and my brother in the world of Nintendo DS owners. Unfortunately, her DS had TWO bad pixels on one screen. I say take it back to Best Buy... but a lot of companies say "tough, deal with it" in response to bad pixels.

Not Nintendo! Nintendo themselves will replace DS units with just ONE bad pixel! And they'll replace them fast.

Anyway, Serena, you probably want to return it to Best Buy anyway, just so you can get a replacement immediately, but worst case Nintendo will replace it for you too. You shouldn't have ANY bad pixels at all, apparently. Nintendo is THAT cool!!!

Oh, my brother got Brain Age. What a cool game. I am addicted after one day, and want it now!

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Best Buy took it no problem, they didn't even question it.

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