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Man Gets 2 Million Hits to Assure Slow Destruction of His Relationship

This guy's girlfriend bet that he couldn't make a webpage and get two million unique hits. The bet? If he won, they'd have a menage-a-trois... two girls and one guy.

Needless to say, the online community rallied behind him, despite the fact that it's probably a scam to get people to sign up with metrodate.com, and he's gotten 2.5 million hits since his site got noticed in the last 24 hours.

Now his girlfriend has accepted that she lost the bet, and told him to go find a willing girl to join them.

She admitted she lost the bet!!! I think if it was closer to two million she may have wanted to count all the hanging chads, but since I clearly surpassed my goal she conceded. Then, she actually said these exact magical words, which I can still hear as if it were being said over and over: "Well, I guess a bet's a bet... go on and find your girl." After that she left - she said she was going shopping. Since she left so quickly I didn't have time to take a picture of her "I lost" face, but I'll try to get one later. I'm hoping she's out shopping for some sexy costume, but that seems unlikely.

Yes, because these things ALWAYS work out well in the end. Making your girlfriend so sad that she gives you her "I lost" face and then runs off to go shopping is a sure sign of things to come.

Relationship Rule #45: Have your three-ways BEFORE you get into a committed relationship.

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