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Touching is Good

After a couple months with my Nintendo DS, I am hopelessly addicted to the touchscreen. I try to touch everything now. I try to touch the top screen. I try to touch my laptop screen. I forget that not everything is so sensitive to touch.

I have become quite enamored with drawing on the DS as well. I fire up Pictochat and draw for fun. I have no one to chat with... I just sit there and doodle. I wish the keyboard would go away, because I just want to draw, not type.

Now I find myself wanting to draw on my laptop too. Now, I thought maybe I could use the DS stylus on my trackpad, but that doesn't work at all. It must detect only human touch... something about connecting a circuit or something. How should I know... I'm an economist, and I can't even get employed doing that!

So I'll have to get one of these instead. It's like a pen tablet, except the tablet is also an LCD screen. It's not as portable as I'd like though. A "tablet" PC would be great, but they seem kind of hefty. Pocket PCs are good too, but they're not really big enough to do really good drawing. (I don't know why I find the DS so fun to draw on, given that the space is even smaller!)

I won't be getting anything until I get a job of course, and even then....

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 2, 2006 1:10 AM.

The previous post in this blog was March's Life Update: 2-28-06.

The next post in this blog is Every Sticker Adds 5 HP... Still.

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