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Is This the 2008 Dodge Avenger?

We may have seen the first spy shots of the next generation Dodge Avenger (Stratus), thanks to an alert reader/photographer over at GMInsideNews. (The photographer writes to say his name is Matt Semeniuk. It's important, okay?)

It certainly has the baby Charger dimensions one would expect of the next-gen Stratus. Or is it something else?

UPDATE: This could also be a 2008 Chrysler Sebring. They are based off the same platform. In fact, it may very well be a Sebring, and not it's Avenger brother.

UPDATE 2: Jalopnik takes notice of the next Avenger... thanks to little ol' me! I get stuff mentioned on big blogs all the time. Now why can't I get any traffic myself!? (Come on, go see what got mentioned!)

UPDATE 3: Spy shot photographer Chris Doane confirms it's the next-generation Chrysler Sebring.

Comments (6)


It looks kind of like the Nissan Altima to me.


I can see that being a next-generation Altima easily. This vehicle looks odd... like they wanted to make a mini-300C, but not really, so they sort of threw in some 300C design cues and mixed in it with the old bland Sebring. I don't know how it's going to work.


All I see is a blurry picture.

Matt Semeniuk:

Please give credit to me, as I am the original photographer of the car. I put them up on GMI for everyone to see and Its cool that you put it on your site (even though you should have asked me first) and got japolnik to notice it, but I still wish for some credit here.. Thanks man.

Matt Semeniuk:

And sorry if its "blurry", its not easy to take a picture inside of a car at night.

"thanks to an alert reader/photographer over at GMInsideNews."

I'll post your name, but I didn't know it. This blog has, seriously, zero traffic. You are the only person to post in a long time that isn't related to me.

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