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Lose Weight with Herbalife! UPDATE

Remember back in September when we found an Herbalife sign by our apartment?

That sign advertised an Herbalife distributor who we will call Ms. Read, based out of North Seattle. Ms. Read has been busy placing more signs apparently, this time much closer to her home base. The latest is one at the intersection of NE 145th and I-5, right next to the southbound on-ramp. Strangely the sign is so small that it's virtually useless.

Which brings up a good point about these signs in the first place. Do they really work? How many people actually get out a pen and paper and write down the phone number.

It should be noted that Ms. Read now has a toll-free vanity number, since the 206 number in the sign above goes to her cell phone, which has to be kinda crummy when someone needs their Herbalife fix at 3 in the morning. On the other hand, most Herbalife distributors would be happy to sell SOMETHING regardless of what time it is.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 12, 2006 2:48 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Rainy's Own Herbalife Sales Site.

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