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Shocking: Things in Movies are FAKE!

On filming the DaVinci Code, Newsweek chimes in regarding the producers trying to get the rights to film inside the Louvre.

There are many plum locations in "The Da Vinci Code," but none more famous or romantically charged. And be honest: wouldn't you be disappointed if you heard that "The Da Vinci Code" movie had to fake the Louvre?

Um... no? I mean, this is a MOVIE. All of it is faked. The story is fake. The characters are fake. Almost always the settings are fake. Even when they film on location, things don't necessarily match up. The DaVinci Code is a Hollywood movie featuring Hollywood actors who are performing lines from a Hollywood script based on a fictional novel. It's not real.

So no, I wouldn't be disappointed. In fact, I'd be surprised that with today's technology they wasted their time.

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