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Photos from a Nikon D200

My dad bought a new Nikon D200 and I got to play with it yesterday. Very, very, very nice. Check out this shot.

Everything about it, low light conditions, a fast moving kitten, and a zoom lens, would lead to a poorly focused picture... especially in the hands of someone like me.

Instead, it's extremely sharp. This replaces (or rather is in addition to) my dad's D70, so hopefully I'll get to borrow the D70. I have a Coolpix 5700 right now, which is a so-called "prosumer" camera from a couple years back. It does a nice job, but it has it's flaws. Horrible focusing, annoying delay, that kind of stuff. Sometimes a great shot happens in a fraction of a second. You have to be able to capture it THEN... not after five seconds when the camera has decided the focus is right and it finally takes the picture.

Comments (2)

Betsy Markum:

I can't believe it, my co-worker just bought a car for $61727. Isn't that crazy!


Around here that's cheap!

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