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September 17, 2005

The Nokia 7710 vs the Sony Ericsson S710a

Before I continue, I am getting a ton of hits from a website called Technorati. Apparently "Nokia 7710" is one of their top search terms. I have no idea why. All I can think is that somehow someone is spamming their website in order to make the Nokia 7710 look really popular. This guy seems to know something about it.

There are other Technorati searches that don't make any sense, for example "Pics of Saskia" is one of them. I don't know who Saskia is, but the only page that turns up is this one, and I think I understand why somebody would be searching for that.

Geesh! Cerberus, that picture is too small to make your wallpaper!

Anyway, previously, I discussed what a cool gadget the Nokia 7710 was, but how it was WAY too big to be a really useful phone. I said that I wanted my phone to be small... like ipod nano small.

Well, we aren't there yet, but Timmy mentioned his new phone, the Sony Ericsson S710a. The S710a is small... not as small as some of the smaller Nokias out there, but it's awfully close.

In order to use the phone to dial, you have to swivel the phone around, and then it looks kind of like a flip phone. I don't know if I personally like this (it seems like it would add bulk) but I'm not sure how you accommodate the larger screen without it. Nokia phones with large screens solve this by making the buttons TEENY TEENY TINY, which is unacceptable as far as I'm concerned. Why don't they just make the screen a touchscreen, and use that for buttons?

Anyway, this S710a is awesome. It takes amazing pictures, as well as working as a video recorder.

Add in MP3, Bluetooth, and Internet abilities, and you have an INCREDIBLE phone! Something really got me thinking about this yesterday, and it's why I wanted to post again. I was surfing the web, and I ran into a blogger who was located just blocks from me. I opened up a map of nearby bloggers, and it turns out I'm surrounded by them.

We are nearing an age where every blogger truly becomes a journalist... I'm not talking about a journalist in the "replaces MSM" vein, although that's certainly possible too. But let's say something big happens in your neighborhood. You whip out your phone/video camera and start recording. We saw a little bit of this during the London attacks, but not really enough. Perhaps the technology isn't widespread enough.

The real key is using your phone, in real time, to send video. You would be able to call up your local station, and they'd be able to patch in real time to the video your phone was sending. You'd be able to report what just happened to you, send raw video from your phone... and better yet the station could then switch to someone just down the street from you who caught the whole thing from a different angle.

Isn't this the future, where we're all interconnected and able to share what we've seen, practically through our own eyes. Isn't this really what these phones are about. The S710a is small enough that you'll want to carry it around in your pocket, ready to whip out just in case. Oh, and also you can make phone calls with it. The Nokia 7710 is not. But we're getting there. It makes me want to ditch my phone, and it's not even a year old!

Posted by March at September 17, 2005 04:19 PM


They call it a "swivel-phone". I call it a twirly phone.

Because twirly is way cooler than swivel.

Posted by: Tim at September 17, 2005 07:58 PM

I like that. Twirly phone!

Posted by: Michael at September 17, 2005 08:51 PM

I like the term "swivel-phone" also

Posted by: Terry Jones at September 17, 2005 08:58 PM

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