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September 17, 2005

I Can't Stop Sleeping

All I am doing is sleeping. Constantly. I can't stop. It's as if I'm sick, but I'm not. I usually can go with 5-7 hours of sleep... 6-7 is preferable. But right now I'm sleeping like 14 hours a day. What is wrong with me? I seriously don't know. And they are awful nights filled with really strange dreams... I had another strange dream last night, and it lasted forever. I can't even describe it... it was just bizarre.

I don't like sleeping. But when I go to sleep, I'm out. I'm not taking any sleeping pills anymore, but it feels like I am. When I'm out, I'm out, and if I wake up for a moment I'll just go back to sleep.

It's driving me nuts! The only consolation is it IS pretty crummy outside, so I'm not missing much.

Posted by March at September 17, 2005 04:14 PM


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