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July 2007 Archives

July 2, 2007

Hansa's Virus

So, it turns out Hansa died from a completely new, undiscovered strain of Herpes. Shouldn't it be named after her then? Or is that morbid?

Potential Metallica Sequels

Remember when Metallica decided that The Unforgiven was SO awesome that they should make a sequel? Seven years later, they released a unique and original track: The Unforgiven II.

That got us to thinking that Metallica should totally do this some more. We think the best candidate for this treatment would obviously be "One." We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the new Metallica track: One II.

UPDATE: After One II, we think they ought to release The Unforgiven III. Awesome!

July 4, 2007

How Could They Possibly Create a Game Better Than Guitar Hero???

Oh, THAT'S how.

Supply ♥ Demand: Why Aren't Christian Movies Successful at the Box Office?

Over at my new Supply ♥ Demand blog, I ask why Christian movies aren't successful even though there's a pretty large base.

Take the example of Left Behind. The book series has been a massive success, selling 65 million books. By comparison, The Lord of the Rings sold approximately 100 million books, and the theatrical trilogy grossed over $2,900 million worldwide (with a little over $1 billion of that from U.S. theaters.) Left Behind? An astounding $4.2 million! The two sequels were released direct-to-DVD.

Keep reading over at my new blog, Supply ♥ Demand!

July 6, 2007

Our Neighbor Cares About Personal Property

These idiots have put at least two dings in my car and I am about willing to take a saw and start hacking off parts of their car that is parked in my spot.

Today I took this picture down to the office, and they gave me an orange sticker to put on the car, but by the time I got back they left! The sticker warns that if they do not park correctly they will be towed. Maybe that's the next step... start towing them. They probably can't read the sticker anyway.

ARRRRRRRRRGH!!! I am so aggravated!

July 11, 2007

Marchdecember Salutes: Modern Truck Design

I love trucks and I love new truck designs. I've always like to see modern takes on the class semi-truck. I just miss the cab over engine designs you used to see on the highways. (Think Optimus Prime.) Those were awesome!



Lots more after the break!

Continue reading "Marchdecember Salutes: Modern Truck Design" »

About July 2007

This page contains all entries posted to marchdecember in July 2007. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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August 2007 is the next archive.

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