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July 24, 2006

I Don't Spy: Jeep Patriot

So Jeep is coming out with a new vehicle called the Jeep Patriot.

I've never actually seen one of these, but armyrn13 requested pictures, and I will pretty much do anything you ask of me because I'm desperate for actual readers. I don't even think my wife, who is supposed to WRITE for this site, reads this stuff.

Anyway, this vehicle is very reminiscent of the old Cherokee, except it's not 4WD, and you'd probably break it if you took it off road. I don't understand why they got rid of the Cherokee and replaced it with the girliest Jeep ever. All I ever think of when I see a Jeep Liberty is stupid Lana Lang and her blank expression. By the way, how is it that the kids on that show can afford such nice cars?

Speaking of cars, remember when I said I was seeing more Ferrari F430s than new Eclipses? Well I've been keeping track.

Last week I saw ONE Mitsubishi Eclipse in the parking lot at Taco Bell.

And last night I saw ONE Ferrari F430 driving up the hill towards home. He disappeared and I'm not sure where he went to... probably some house on the lake.

So right now it's a tie... 1-1! Which car are there more of on the streets? Who will win? Will it be the $20,000 Mitsubishi? Or the $200,000 Ferrari? My bet is on the Ferrari.

Posted by March at July 24, 2006 01:25 PM


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